Executives Legend
The color legend to the right illustrates the various backgrounds for the top executives in the residential real estate industry.
Tamir Poleg

Tamir Poleg

Co-Founder and CEO, 
The Real Brokerage
2024 Rank: 36
As co-founder and CEO of The Real Brokerage, Poleg leads one of the fastest-growing brokerages in the U.S. The firm, launched in 2014, became the nation’s 18th largest brokerage in 2023 with more than 7,000 agents who do over $12 billion in annual sales. Real, which now has a presence in all 50 states, leverages a revenue-sharing, capped model similar to eXp Realty to achieve this growth. The company went public in 2020 and continues to scale rapidly. In 2023, it released an agent-focused financial suite, a consumer app, and an AI-powered virtual concierge.
