Executives Legend
The color legend to the right illustrates the various backgrounds for the top executives in the residential real estate industry.

Rene Galvan

Houston Association of Realtors
Galvan is due to succeed Bob Hale as CEO and president of the Houston Association of Realtors (HAR) in January 2026. Hale, who joined the association in 1973 and led the nation’s largest state association in 1988, is transitioning Galvan to the role in 2025. Galvan first joined HAR in 1996, left for two years to lead the Realtor Association of Fort Lauderdale, then returned to the Texas association’s managerial team. He also serves on NAR’s finance committee.

Galvan is due to succeed Bob Hale as CEO and president of the Houston Association of Realtors (HAR) in January 2026. Hale, who joined the association in 1973 and led the nation’s largest state association in 1988, is transitioning Galvan to the role in 2025. Galvan first joined HAR in 1996, left for two years to lead the Realtor Association of Fort Lauderdale, then returned to the Texas association’s managerial team. He also serves on NAR’s finance committee.

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